Student Case Protocol
If a student in your in-person class contacts you ahead of time with potential symptoms, please encourage them to stay home and stay in touch via email, Canvas or Pronto. They may return to class once their symptoms improve. However, if they test positive for COVID-19 while gone, they should isolate a minimum of 24 hours. Once they have been fever-free without fever-reducing medications for 24 hours and symptoms have improved, they can end isolation. If the student has tested positive for COVID-19, but has no symptoms, they do not need to isolate. All COVID-positive students are recommended to wear a mask indoors for 10 days.
If positive students have been in contact with you or other students in your in-person course within 48 hours of symptom start, please complete and submit a CARE Referral Form (Select CARE/Concern for an individual as the “Nature of this report”) on their behalf. Please try to include the information below if you have it:
- Date of symptom onset (if any) and/or date of positive test
- Last day on campus and any indoor locations
From the above info, the Health Services nursing team will follow-up with the student to provide supportive services and any applicable isolation guidelines. The Risk Management team will also send exposure notifications to any identified close contacts.
Next, if you have a student who reaches out to you in your fully online class (zoom or online) to let you know if they have tested positive for COVID, please complete and submit a CARE Referral Form (Select CARE/Concern for an individual as the “Nature of this report”) for those students with the date of the positive test or symptom onset. The Health Services nursing team will follow-up to students to ensure that they have access to campus resources through Health Services or off campus. Unless that student has been on-campus, we will not need to send exposure notifications, but Health Services will want to check in with the student to ensure they are connected to support.
Please visit the COVID web page for updates regarding campus protocol or e-mail with any questions.